Dam, Levee & Flood Resources

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Baker & Stateler - Technical Paper - Comprehensive Dam Reviews: A Cost-Effective Approach for Estimating Dam Risks for Small and Medium-Sized Dams

Baker - Presentation - A Qualitative Overview of Dam Incident Risks

Baker - Reduce Dam Safety Risk Modernization Blueprint, U.S. Department of the Interior

Baker and Sossenkina - Presentation - Exam and Risk Screening of the Lower 23 Miles of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal

Failures & Incidents

Baker - Technical Paper - Dodging a Bullet: Lily Lake Dam and the 2013 Colorado Flood

Baker & McCormick - Technical Paper - 30th Anniversary of the Lawn Lake Dam Failure: A Look Back at the State and Federal Response

Baker - Technical Paper - The Fontenelle Dam Incident: The Investigation, Likely Causes, and Lessons (Eventually) Learned

Baker - Technical Paper - Heroic Planning:  Strategies for Taking Physical Actions at Dams to Prevent Failures

Baker - Presentation - Natural Dams and their Failure

Baker - Presentation - Saving the Dam: Emergency Actions for Near-Failure Scenarios


Baker & Graham - Technical Paper - Dam Failure Investigation Approaches

Baker and Team - A National Program of Dam Failure Investigations - Needs and Approach - 2018

Embankment Dams

Baker, Hinchcliff, Redlinger & Donat - Guideline - Small Embankment Dam Safety Guideline

Risk Communication

Baker - Film - A Capital Risk: Managing Flood Risk in Washington DC

Baker - Film - Managing the Risks of Dams (the Lawn Lake Dam Failure)

Dam Safety Programs

Baker - Technical Paper - All for One:  New Common Dam Safety Practices for the Bureaus of the U.S. Department of the Interior

Baker - Presentation - Enterprise Architecture Initiative and the DOI Dam Safety Program

Baker - Presentation - Dam Monitoring

Baker - Guideline - NPS Low Hazard Dam O&M Procedures

Baker - Guideline - Low Hazard Dam O&M Procedures, 2010

Baker - Guideline - National Park Service Dam Safety Program - Reference Manual 40

Baker - Guideline - BIA Dam Safety Program Handbook, 1996 and 2002

Baker and Team - Presentation - ASDSO Soapbox: Toward Common Use of Best Technical Practices

Baker - Technical Paper - All for One: New Common Dam Safety Practices for the Bureaus of the U.S. Department of the Interior